Greta Goetz


I was just at a conference (more on that below) that made me deeply question whether well-being can be achieved in institutions. I feel overworked and know that anything I have achieved was due to not sleeping and putting my personal life on hold — for years. As it is, I am at an age where I need to reevaluate things and hope that ensuing discernment will help me magnify what I care about most deeply through my life; that my life might stand for those values as a sign of them… In the mean time, I hope to complete a few work ideas outlined below, all begun out of hope for increased care for us all but especially youth who I feel so much for at this time.

The book I am writing is going through its final rewrite and now has a foreword by programmer Richard Gabriel and anthropologist Jenny Quillen. It is currently titled American Currents: Re-presencing culture and communication in a postdigital age and centers on the work of French thinker Bernard Stiegler, whose work draws on phenomenology, cultural studies (including critique of Americanization), hermeneutics, and digital studies.

The book is due to be published by my faculty publisher but I really want it to be publicly available online through a CC license. I have peer reviewers set up, but as I would like at least one to be from the States, I am trying to find an American cultural studies professor in the States who would volunteer their time to this end.

I continue to do action research to develop the courses that I teach. These model the content in order to give learners cultural, networked experience where they can learn to apply material and theory about culture. This currently means assessing the arrangement and use of and discussion around the criteria and selection of digital tools used for group collaboration to augment the shared intelligence of class members (including me!) It also means ongoing research in new methodologies, epistemologies, and ontologies, including unlearning and ungrading and other curative responses to the Anthropocene.

As digital technology mediates how we see and re-present data, information, and even reality, I continue to iterate the tools used in class and am currently re-thinking wiki use for collaborative learning as well as how to promote the small web for what Stiegler calls the contributory economy.

I gave a workshop on the contributory economy at the NLC2024 in Malta 15-17 May entitled Stieglerian Infraculture: Possibility and being in a contributory economy. For the moment, that material is still online.

This month, I am designing a business proposal for how I can contribute to the emergence of a contributory economy which includes hoslistic, curative transgenerational experience. This is economically critical as so many of us cannot count on our pensions being enough to live on and phenomenologically critical as we need to take better care of our youth.

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